After a brisk windswept walk past the moored yachts and floating ducks, we had a fabulous Sunday roast lunch at the Red Lion in Hognaston, which came highly recommended. Over 500 years old, with sagging beams and uneven floors, but excellent food – the boys loved it and Sam devoured all the cauliflower.
Last weekend the boys experienced snow for the very first time - although it was man-made. We went to the "Winter Wonderland" experience at the local indoor snowdome, where skiers can swoosh down a pseudo-mountain and kids can throw snowballs and sled about. Dylan loved being pulled on the sled, Sam was not so happy with the icy cold texture of this snow stuff.
Yesterday we acquired our first pets – two goldfish named Tom and Hunter, who live in a tank next to Dylan’s bed. Dylan is a devoted carer (so far), and loves watching them dart about. He is also very excited about starting football (soccer) lessons tomorrow after school.
We also have our first playdate this week, at Dylan’s friend Sam’s house after school on Tuesday. I am very excited about this! I met his mum Caitlin at the PTA-run toddler group last Tuesday, and it is wonderful to finally have another mum to ask advice of (or generally moan too…) The other mums were very friendly, and many have also moved to Ashbourne from other areas or countries, so they know how hard it can be to settle in with children.
I did have a stepford wives moment when I became slightly overwhelmed by their enthusiasm for the town, the school, and the fact that they handmake their playdough for playgroup. However, the PTA meet regularly at the pub, so it can’t be too bad!
Sam had his first day at his school last week, and he loved it – not even a whimper of protest when I left him there for a morning session. He is such a sociable little boy, I think he may have been getting bored of me, especially with big brother at school every day. So I think this will work out well all round. Although, given the strong northern accent of the carers at his nursery, I wouldn’t be surprised if his first full sentence is “eh up, ma duck?”
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