The heartlifting joy of the sight of a cluster of daffodils, purple crocuses or cherry blossom trees, can only be truly appreciated after a long bleak winter. We have enjoyed many sunny, blue sky days lately - admittedly cold still, but almost warm enough in the sunshine to make us carefree and coat-less (sometimes).
And of course the sight of all the new summer fashion in stores has me counting down the days until I can bare my legs in a swishy skirt or new sandals. Although I suspect I will still be getting a lot of wear out of my six new pairs of boots (oops... but they were all on sale...)
We are missing our sheep at Yew Tree Cottage. They have been moved to another field, to be readied for market. I feel rather sad for them - they kept us company, on the other side of the conservatory glass, through the winter. The farmer has told us that he will be bring some new sheep into "our" field soon - and we are to let him know if we notice any lambs suddenly being born. Apparently the mother sheep are just left to get on with it, so I will be watching closely for any telltale signs of labour (and no doubt feeling a great deal of empathy for them).
Dylan is just as excited by all the small signs of spring - leaves budding on hedges, bunny rabbits bounding through the fields and birds chirping happily as we drive to school. He probably thinks that we will wake up one morning and it will be hot enough to head straight for the beach - sadly, this is highly unlikely in Derbyshire. In any case, it is certainly good to have longer days - we are finally getting up in daylight (sunrise is now at 6am) and enjoying longer playtimes in the garden after school.
He has made a lot of friends now at school, and we have been busy with a hectic schedule of birthday parties and playdates. He has certainly acclimatised, and thinks nothing of running out into the garden in a cold late afternoon drizzle to practice with his new tennis racket. As long as he has his "wellies" on!
Sam is growing up quickly now, and uses a new word almost every day. His latest is "hello", in a rather English accent, when he greets me first thing in the morning. I can't believe he will be two in just a few months. He and Dylan are playing together now, although not without the occasional tears and fights. Their favourite time of day is the naked wrestling on the bed after bathtime, where they put on a "show" of boy-style dancing and gymnastics, and Sam desperately tries to copy all Dylan's slick moves.
I am off to the doctors now with them- Sam just needs a health nurse check up, but Dylan has insisted he is also sick. "I have been sick in my tummy ever since we arrived in England, mummy. I think it is called home-sick."
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