Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Growing up...

Little Sam is almost two. Dylan is beside himself with excitement about this, as

a) Sam will get presents, and Dylan will benefit directly from this

b) He gets to help me organise Sam's birthday party (last night we packed the party bags together)

We seem to have reached that turning point when they have finally become brothers; playing together, fighting together, making up crazy dance routines together, and squabbling over whether it's Sam's turn to watch Fireman Sam or Dylan's turn to watch Pokemon. Luckily they can watch both simultaneously, thanks to the portable DVD player.
It's a cliche, but Sam has suddenly grown up so quickly and I wanted to record his developing personality for posterity:

Favourite people: mummy, dada and dee-dee (Dylan)

Favourite thing: Bunny (he goes everywhere and could do with a wash quite frankly)

Favourite TV show: Fireman Sam (we suspect Sam thinks he IS Fireman Sam and loves being "the hero next door")

Favourite Song: In These Shoes - Kirsty Macoll - my iPod is still avoiding the wiggles, but Sam loves a number he can dance to and I love watching him sing "in dese soos?" (points to his own sandals) "i don't sink so"

Favourite word: tractor

Best friend (in England): Lola, who is nearly 3 and tackle-cuddles him whenever she can get close enough. All the little girls in Dylan's class are madly in love with him too.

Best talent: Napping (I can type this as he is having a 3 hour day nap - I'd better wake him, really)

Worst talent: Falling over and bumping his head (ouchie!)

Favourite Day: Tuesday, as it is Tots playgroup at Dylan's school

Favourite singalong: loves doing the "sleeping bunny" dance and jumping around with Dylan to the Lazytown theme tune

Happiest when: Dylan takes any notice of him
Saddest when: Dylan eats the last jelly pot
Fingers crossed for a sunny day on Saturday... We have 15 small children, their parents and Dizzy the Wizard coming to Yew Tree Cottage - all to celebrate two years of Sam Howard. Hard to imagine life without him, really!

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